Monday, June 09, 2014

4 Steps to lose weight after pregnancy

Step 1

Determine whether you are physically ready to lose weight after giving birth. The pregnancy website Baby Center recommends waiting until after your six- or eight-week check-up to begin dieting.

Step 2

Decide on your goal weight. If you were a healthy weight prior to your pregnancy, set your pre-pregnancy weight as a goal. If you were overweight before getting pregnant, ask your doctor or midwife for a healthy weight range for your height and age.

Step 3

Eat between 1,800 to 2,200 calories a day if you are breast-feeding to ensure your infant has adequate nutrition. Eat at least 1,200 calories a day, if you are not breast-feeding. Both these calorie levels will enable you to lose about 1 to 2 pounds a week, which will get you to your goal weight relatively quickly. Your calorie needs may vary from these amounts, so ask your doctor or dietitian how many calories you need for healthy weight loss.

Step 4
Plan three low-calorie meals each day that feature natural, rather than processed foods. Choose natural breakfast foods such as steel-cut oats, bran or shredded wheat cereal or egg white omelets. Select lunch meals featuring whole-grain breads and wraps, baked chicken or seafood, green salads and whole fruit. Fill half your dinner plate with vegetables and fruit, and use one-quarter of your plate for a lean protein, and one-quarter of your plate for a whole grain.

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